Project with Photographers Without Borders & Give a heart to Africa in Tanzania – July 2016
GHTA is a non-profit organization that empowers women with the skills to improve their situations and pull themselves out of poverty by providing free vocational training. During my stay in Moshi, I decided to depict the women’s courage (in a patriarchal society) as well as their willingness for change and hopes.

Workshop with Photographers Without Borders – Eva & Luis – September 2015
This photography essai is the result of an assignment during my first photography workshop. I was aiming at describing how people were living in a subsistence economy near La Fortuna. I met Eva & Luis while bicycling with a biologist (we were supposed to explore the wild life close by the city). Eva explained us how she was using her oven outside. Luis shared with us more about their family and how they raised their kids.
Artist and Artisans – Personal project – Since October 2015
My goal with this personal project was to share in my community all the talent and creativity of the people living close by. I’m also donating the photographs to the artists and artisans (either on stage or in their working environment) for their own promotion. This is an ongoing project and I hope to be able to build an exhibit with all the local talents!
People and Nature
Just some people and nature images I found inspiring and uniques.
Thank you for your time!